Endst N. o.1 6147-20E0T8- n( 4) Dated panchkula " | 15- 3 -201 2
A copyis forwarde to all the DistricEt lementaErdy ucatioOnf ficerisn thes tateT. he
allocationo fbudget for the arrearo f salariesf or JBT Teachersw ho were appointedb y Zila Parishad
in the year 2004 and 2005 are as under:-
Sr. No. Name of Distt. No. of posts Amount allotted
l. Panipat 194 60,o4,33/3/ -
2. Faridabad 139 43,02,07/4/ -
J . Jind J J / 1,o4,30,2/0 7-
Gurgaon 331 1,02,44,50//6 -
Yamunanagar 6 1 9 1,91,58,15/ 5-
6. Karnal 2.Jc 88,20,7s8/ -
7. Sirsa 1,65,58,34/ 0-
8, Palwal 274 84,80,34/6 -
9. Ambala 202 62,51,93/4 -
10. Rewari 1 1 0 34,o4,s1/8 -
l l . Panchkula 135 41,78,27/3 -
t2, Kurukshetra z t o 67, 47,13/8 -
l J . Bhiwani 391 1,2,10 1,51/ 6-
t4. Kaithal +2.) 1,30,91,9/2 -2
1 5 . Mewat c I z 1,77,0 3,49/7 -
16. Hisar 537 1,66,20,24/ 4-
t7. Fatehabad 367 1,13,58,7/1 2-
18. Namaul
303 93,77,902/ -
Total 't8,48,U,41/5 -
It is directed that the anear of salaries of JBT teachers who were appointed by Zila
Parishad in the year 2004 utd 2005 may be withdrawn within 2 days positively and APR of the
samem ayb es entt o this Directorateb y Spl.m essengepro sitively.S o thatC OCPN o. 1005o f 2008
may bed efendeadc cordingly.
A copyofGovt. Sanctionno.1 614'1-20E08T -II (4) datedlT-l-2012i s enclosedherewith.
"The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Head "2202-General Education-0l-
Elementary Education-1 0l -Govt. Primary Schools-(88) Establishment of Primary
EducationC lassesI to V (Non-plann) onr ecurringfo r they ear2 011-12.
This issue with the Concurrence of Finance Department conveyed with their U.O No.
'l 9 / 13 /201 0-4 FD[V29 53 Dated 30- 1 2-20 1 1 ."
Encl:-S anctionno .1 6147-0E8T -II( 4)
Dated1 7. 1.2012
SuperintendeEnTt -II
for directoEr lementarEy ducationH aryana,
Endst. No.
A copyis f orwardetdo thef ollowinfgo ri nformatioann dn ecessaaryc tion:
|r Panchkula.
" DatedP, anchkuttah,e lS/31 (z
AccountaGnte neraHl,a ryan(aA &E)C, handigarh.
AllT reasuroyf ficer/AsstTt.r easuroyf ficerc oncerned.
BCA (local) o/o DEE, Panchkula.
Supdt. Budget (local) oio DEE, Panchkula.
t _
Supe"ri "tt*; ford irectoErl ementaErdyu cati0Hna ryana,
to Golt. HaryanaS, chooBl ducatloDne partment'
..dlrectorE lementaEryd ucatioHna, ryanh,
MemoN o. 16147-200E8T -ll (4)
DatedP anchkulath, e1 7-01-2012
Subject:- COCP No. 1005 of2008 Rajpal Versus Anand Sharma, IAS (to grant
the benefits of pay scales to JBT Teachers from the date of their
recruitmentb y Zila Parishadisn thef ear 2004.)
Sanctioonf theG ovemoor f Haryanias herebya ccordeadn a mounot f Rs.
20.00C roreo n accounto f anearo f salaryt o JBT teacherfsr om the dateo f there
recruiftnenbty Zila Parishadins they ear2 004.T hee xpenditurwei ll be meto uto f the
overalls avingso f the DepartmentaBlu dgetarpy rovisionss ubjectt o the following
l) 6462J BTT eacherwsi ll beb enefited,
2) Regularp ay scalesw ill be givenw ith effectf rom the datet heyw ere
aooointed/Joinuendd eZr ilaP arishads.
The expenditurien volvedw ill be debitableto the Head" 2202-General
Education--OE1le mentaryE ducatioln0-l -Govt. Primary Schools-(88)
Establishmenotf PrimaryE ducationC lassesI to V $lon-plan)n on
recurrinfgo rt hey ear2 011-12.
This issuew ith the Concunencoef FinanceDepartmecnot nveyewdi th
ElementaryE ducation
theiru .o No.7 9113120F1D0-I4IQ 953
for FinanciaCl ommissione&r PrincipalS ecretartyo
Gol't.H aryandS choolE ducationD epartment,
EndsNt. o.E ven DatedP anchkultah,e 1 7-01-2012
A copy alongwitht wo sparec opiesi s forwardedto the Accountant
Genera(lA, &E)H aryanaC, handigarfohr informatioann dn ecessaaryc tion.
l o
-"2 |
- --:ta
UndeSr ecretaEryle mentaEryd ucation
for FinanciaCl ommission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Govt.H aryanaS choolE ducationD epartment,
EndstN. o. Even DatedP anchkulath. e l7-01-2012
EndstN. o.E ven
A copy is forwardedto the FinanciaCl ommissione&r PrincipalS ecretary
to Govt.H aryan4F inanceD epartmenwt .r.t.h is U.O Nc,.7 9113/2010-F4D II/2953D ated
30-12-20I1 f or in{brmationa ndn ecessarayc tion.
- ; i
UnderS ecretarEyl ementarEyd ucation
for FinanciaCl ommission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Golt. HaryanSa chooEl ducatioDn epartment.
DatedP anchkultah,e 1 7-01-2012
A copyi s forwardetod theS uperintendBeundt geEt lementaEryd ucation
Haryan4P anchkufloar informatio&n necessaarcyt ion.
- J r ' l
UnderS bcretarEyl ementarEyd ucation
forF inanciaCl omrnission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Gort. Haryana School Education Department,
Endst N. o.1 6147-20E0T8- n( 4) Dated panchkula " | 15- 3 -201 2
A copyis forwarde to all the DistricEt lementaErdy ucatioOnf ficerisn thes tateT. he
allocationo fbudget for the arrearo f salariesf or JBT Teachersw ho were appointedb y Zila Parishad
in the year 2004 and 2005 are as under:-
Sr. No. Name of Distt. No. of posts Amount allotted
l. Panipat 194 60,o4,33/3/ -
2. Faridabad 139 43,02,07/4/ -
J . Jind J J / 1,o4,30,2/0 7-
Gurgaon 331 1,02,44,50//6 -
Yamunanagar 6 1 9 1,91,58,15/ 5-
6. Karnal 2.Jc 88,20,7s8/ -
7. Sirsa 1,65,58,34/ 0-
8, Palwal 274 84,80,34/6 -
9. Ambala 202 62,51,93/4 -
10. Rewari 1 1 0 34,o4,s1/8 -
l l . Panchkula 135 41,78,27/3 -
t2, Kurukshetra z t o 67, 47,13/8 -
l J . Bhiwani 391 1,2,10 1,51/ 6-
t4. Kaithal +2.) 1,30,91,9/2 -2
1 5 . Mewat c I z 1,77,0 3,49/7 -
16. Hisar 537 1,66,20,24/ 4-
t7. Fatehabad 367 1,13,58,7/1 2-
18. Namaul
303 93,77,902/ -
Total 't8,48,U,41/5 -
It is directed that the anear of salaries of JBT teachers who were appointed by Zila
Parishad in the year 2004 utd 2005 may be withdrawn within 2 days positively and APR of the
samem ayb es entt o this Directorateb y Spl.m essengepro sitively.S o thatC OCPN o. 1005o f 2008
may bed efendeadc cordingly.
A copyofGovt. Sanctionno.1 614'1-20E08T -II (4) datedlT-l-2012i s enclosedherewith.
"The expenditure involved will be debitable to the Head "2202-General Education-0l-
Elementary Education-1 0l -Govt. Primary Schools-(88) Establishment of Primary
EducationC lassesI to V (Non-plann) onr ecurringfo r they ear2 011-12.
This issue with the Concurrence of Finance Department conveyed with their U.O No.
'l 9 / 13 /201 0-4 FD[V29 53 Dated 30- 1 2-20 1 1 ."
Encl:-S anctionno .1 6147-0E8T -II( 4)
Dated1 7. 1.2012
SuperintendeEnTt -II
for directoEr lementarEy ducationH aryana,
Endst. No.
A copyis f orwardetdo thef ollowinfgo ri nformatioann dn ecessaaryc tion:
|r Panchkula.
" DatedP, anchkuttah,e lS/31 (z
AccountaGnte neraHl,a ryan(aA &E)C, handigarh.
AllT reasuroyf ficer/AsstTt.r easuroyf ficerc oncerned.
BCA (local) o/o DEE, Panchkula.
Supdt. Budget (local) oio DEE, Panchkula.
t _
Supe"ri "tt*; ford irectoErl ementaErdyu cati0Hna ryana,
to Golt. HaryanaS, chooBl ducatloDne partment'
..dlrectorE lementaEryd ucatioHna, ryanh,
MemoN o. 16147-200E8T -ll (4)
DatedP anchkulath, e1 7-01-2012
Subject:- COCP No. 1005 of2008 Rajpal Versus Anand Sharma, IAS (to grant
the benefits of pay scales to JBT Teachers from the date of their
recruitmentb y Zila Parishadisn thef ear 2004.)
Sanctioonf theG ovemoor f Haryanias herebya ccordeadn a mounot f Rs.
20.00C roreo n accounto f anearo f salaryt o JBT teacherfsr om the dateo f there
recruiftnenbty Zila Parishadins they ear2 004.T hee xpenditurwei ll be meto uto f the
overalls avingso f the DepartmentaBlu dgetarpy rovisionss ubjectt o the following
l) 6462J BTT eacherwsi ll beb enefited,
2) Regularp ay scalesw ill be givenw ith effectf rom the datet heyw ere
aooointed/Joinuendd eZr ilaP arishads.
The expenditurien volvedw ill be debitableto the Head" 2202-General
Education--OE1le mentaryE ducatioln0-l -Govt. Primary Schools-(88)
Establishmenotf PrimaryE ducationC lassesI to V $lon-plan)n on
recurrinfgo rt hey ear2 011-12.
This issuew ith the Concunencoef FinanceDepartmecnot nveyewdi th
ElementaryE ducation
theiru .o No.7 9113120F1D0-I4IQ 953
for FinanciaCl ommissione&r PrincipalS ecretartyo
Gol't.H aryandS choolE ducationD epartment,
EndsNt. o.E ven DatedP anchkultah,e 1 7-01-2012
A copy alongwitht wo sparec opiesi s forwardedto the Accountant
Genera(lA, &E)H aryanaC, handigarfohr informatioann dn ecessaaryc tion.
l o
-"2 |
- --:ta
UndeSr ecretaEryle mentaEryd ucation
for FinanciaCl ommission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Govt.H aryanaS choolE ducationD epartment,
EndstN. o. Even DatedP anchkulath. e l7-01-2012
EndstN. o.E ven
A copy is forwardedto the FinanciaCl ommissione&r PrincipalS ecretary
to Govt.H aryan4F inanceD epartmenwt .r.t.h is U.O Nc,.7 9113/2010-F4D II/2953D ated
30-12-20I1 f or in{brmationa ndn ecessarayc tion.
- ; i
UnderS ecretarEyl ementarEyd ucation
for FinanciaCl ommission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Golt. HaryanSa chooEl ducatioDn epartment.
DatedP anchkultah,e 1 7-01-2012
A copyi s forwardetod theS uperintendBeundt geEt lementaEryd ucation
Haryan4P anchkufloar informatio&n necessaarcyt ion.
- J r ' l
UnderS bcretarEyl ementarEyd ucation
forF inanciaCl omrnission&e rP rincipaSl ecretatroy
Gort. Haryana School Education Department,
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